Grazie Yoast

Gli sponsor sono fondamentali per realizzare il miglior WordCamp possibile e noi gli siamo veramente grati.
Oggi vi presentiamo uno dei nostri sponsor Bronze: Yoast

(ENG) Sponsors are the key to a successful WordCamp and we are very grateful to all the great companies and services that have supported us in this endeavor.Today we present you our Bronze sponsor: Yoast

Logo Yoast Academy

Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.” – Aristotle

At Yoast we really understand SEO and we want you to, too! With our Yoast Academy courses, we are sharing our knowledge with you so that you can step up your SEO game!Sounds like something for you?If you are just getting into SEO, the best way to start is by completing ours All around SEO course. The Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training with personal configuration review teaches you how to configure our popular Yoast SEO plugin on your website. Once you have mastered these basics, you can take a deep dive with the Structured Data or Keyword Research training, our SEO copywriting course, and many other courses.Let’s work together to make the web a better place for everyone!